1st Quarter  KHLAAC Meeting -

The Kansas Hispanic and Latino American Affairs Commission (KHLAAC) will host its Quarterly Meeting on Wednesday, March 9th, 2021.

We will begin at 1:00 p.m. and will adjourn no later than 4:00 p.m.

The meeting is open to the public. Time will be allocated for public comments within the first hour of the meeting. We encourage those wishing to speak to log in early.

The agenda for the Quarterly Meeting will be kept concurrent and made available for public inspection at the Commission's office. For further information, please contact us at (785) 296-2161.

The information for joining the meeting is: Link for video conference: https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_YjQzMmFmMjgtOTc3NC00M2RmLWFiZDctOTMyODA5MGJhNjMw%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522dcae8101-c92d-480c-bc43-c6761ccccc5a%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%2522f9d581ae-3337-4cb9-aa58-68a5329092d0%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=5156d6fb-71da-4953-994e-710414c868ae&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true&promptSuccess=true

Or call in (audio only)

+1 785-414-8630,,209157419#   United States, Topeka

Phone Conference ID: 209 157 419# 


Day: 03/09/2021
Start Time: 12:00pm
Anticipated End Time: 1:00pm
The end time listed for this meeting is an approximate length of its likely duration for calendaring purposes only.


Topeka, KS
900 SW Jackson, Suite 100

Contact Information:

Aude Negrete
(785) 296-2161
[email protected]

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Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

The State of Kansas is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  If you need reasonable accommodations, effective communication or alternative formats for the meeting please contact the person or agency holding the meeting above at least five (5) working days in advance to facilitate our effort to meet your reasonable accommodation needs to the maximum extent feasible.  If you have any questions about the ADA, this policy, or concerns about a compliance with the law, please contact our State ADA Coordinator at (785) 296-1389 or [email protected].